Documentation's Fresh Coat of Paint

Profile picture of Florian Florian

Stumbling upon new software can either be a moment of revelation or a cool find. Whether it’s a solution to a lingering issue or just something that catches your eye, a positive initial impression sparks an urge to dive deeper. The immediate follow-up question usually is, “Alright, how do I get this thing to work?” And that’s when you cross your fingers, hoping for a treasure trove of documentation.

The absence of documentation is a deal-breaker, sure. But what also doesn’t help is documentation that seems to have time-traveled from the early ’90s. Modern-looking docs don’t just make things easier to read; they signal that the project is alive and kicking. Enter FSharp.Formatting, the F# community’s darling for documentation. With its latest release, version 20, it’s undergone a major facelift, and we’re here for it.

Going back to basics

The conversation in issue #849 highlighted a consensus: the old theme was laden with outdated practices and dependencies. It was high time for a revival, one rooted in the basics of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.


Old FSharp.Formatting


New FSharp.Formatting

Embracing Modern Web Standards

Crafting web pages is a delightful diversion for me, especially after wrestling with compiler codebases. It’s almost therapeutic. I’ve honed my skills as a CSS craftsman, exploring the depths of what modern CSS offers. Features like nesting and variables are just the tip of the iceberg.

Customizable Theming

The new theme is designed with customization in mind. Flipping a few CSS variables allows for extensive personalization, tailoring the look and feel to match any project’s aesthetic. Check out the guide on overriding CSS variables for more details.

Some standout custom themes:

Fostering Community Dialogue

This update has ignited valuable discussions within the community. Special thanks to Kevin Frey, Kevin Schneider, and Nicolas Hirschey for their insights and feedback.

We’ve engaged in conversations both online and in person, reinforcing the importance of direct communication. Establishing a real connection with your collaborators enhances all future interactions and is a cornerstone of a positive open-source journey.

Dive In

Give the new release a whirl and step up your documentation game. Let’s keep our docs as sharp and modern as our code!